Another Leader to Retire in 2011

This year many very important and very dedicated employees of Western Illinois University have announced their retirement. Among them, President Al Goldfarb, retiring in June 2011 after nine years of dedicated service and Vice President of Administrative Services Jackie Thompson, who will step down in July 2011 after an amazing 41 years of service. Add to the list Vice President of Student Services W. Garry Johnson, who has been an incredible contributor and a huge supporter of WIU and the Macomb Community. He will also retire in June 2011.

Johnson has been Vice President of Student Services at WIU since 1998 and has a total of 31 years of service. He also serves as an Associate Professor of Counselor Education and College Student Personnel on top of his Vice Presidential duties. Before being named Vice President, Johnson held several other positions at WIU. He served as the University’s Interim Vice President for Student Services, as Associate Vice President for Student Services, and as Assistant Vice President for Student Services-Student life. He was also WIU’s Director of Residence Life.

Johnson has accomplished so many amazing things in his 31 years, and I recently had a chance to ask him which ones he is most proud of. “During my time at Western, the staff in the Division has worked hard to make the University better for current and future students. The Spencer Recreation Center, GoWest, Grote Hall, the student side of Hanson Field, Thompson Dining Center, the Multicultural Center the second floor of Beu Health Center, the expansion of the Harry Mussatto Golf Course, the Student Assistance and Parent Service Center, the Student Organization Center, just to name a few,” Johnson said. “Being the host site for the World Salvation Army Conference, Methodist Youth Conference, and ACUHO-I ’89, spending time with some marvelous student leaders and staff members who have worked hard to make Western a wonderful place for students, and seeing students walk across the stage at graduation and feeling proud that you may have had some impact on their getting there,” Johnson said.

There is no doubt that the next Vice President of Student Services has big shoes to fill. Johnson told me his successor will have the opportunity to work with some of the best professionals in the country. “We are blessed at WIU to have folks who work every day to help our students be successful,” Johnson said. We should all be thankful that Garry Johnson has been at WIU for 31 years helping students be successful. We wish him best of luck in retirement and hope that June 2011 takes its time getting here.

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