Saying Goodbye to My RockeNetwork Blog

It is not only weird to say, but very sad to say, that this is my last RockeNetwork blog post. The reality that my college career is coming to an end in just a few months is starting to set in. It feels like just yesterday I walked into the Western Illinois University Alumni House and was greeted by people that were strangers then, but are now friends. Although my time at the Alumni House is over (although I will be back to visit for Homecoming!), my time at WIU is not quite done .

I started my internship with the Alumni Association in the spring of 2010. Since then I have spent eight hours per week in the Alumni House, writing blogs, conducting interviews and getting more out of this opportunity than I ever imagined. Working in such a wonderful, friendly environment helped me get “real world” experience, improve my writing, make new friends and develop new skills. Next semester, I will be focused on finishing up my major and working on my massive writing project so I can graduate from WIU with upper division honors from the Centennial Honor’s College.

Now that my finals are over, it is time to head home to Oak Park, enjoy the holidays with friends and family, and most importantly, buckle down and complete my graduate school applications that are due before the spring semester begins. I do not think I will be working over winter break solely for that reason. However, I will be escaping to Aspen, Colorado over winter break myself with two of my best friends for a mini-getaway before we embark on our last semester of college.

I am sad to be leaving, but I know that I will be seeing the familiar faces of the Alumni House staff soon. After all, I will officially become an alumnus of this great university in May of 2011. Hopefully my blogging will not end here, as it has been a fun, exciting ride bringing you some of the top stories from WIU. I hope you enjoyed reading my blogs, and I want to thank all of the people who helped me have such an enjoyable experience as the RockeNetwork Communications Coordinator.

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WIU’s $60 Million Campaign Cruises Along

Most organizations rely on fundraising, support and donations to reach their goals. Universities are no different, as raising money allows a school to improve facilities, purchase equipment and improve the overall learning environment. Here at Western Illinois University, donors, alumni and invited guests gathered earlier this semester to hear some exciting news. The public phase of the $60 million campaign, Set the Standard: Higher Values in Higher Education in underway here at WIU.

I recently had the chance to speak with Brad Bainter, Vice President for Advancement and Public Services and Executive Officer of the WIU Foundation, and ask him about the goals of the campaign. “Set the Standard: Higher Values in Higher Education campaign focuses on four central goals: increased scholarship support for students; creating endowed programs in support of Western faculty; funding improvements to capital facilities; and enhancing information and technology to enrich the educational experience for students and faculty. He told me the campaign will end December 31, 2013. “Because of the outstanding support so far from our alumni and friends I anticipate the goal of $60 million could be met as early as late 2012 or the first few months of 2013,” Bainter said.

Alumni and friends have already been very generous, and Bainter says that because of the campaign, there has been a definite increase in scholarship support for WIU students. There has also been an increase in support of faculty initiatives. “Alumni and friends of Western Illinois University contribute to Western for various reasons. Without a doubt the number one reason for donating to Western is to assist our students. Some wish to support faculty initiatives or technology needs. Campus beautification is another popular area of support. We also receive many gifts in memory of family members or favorite faculty members. It really comes down to pride in the University and the desire from our alumni and friends to assist us in any way possible,” Bainter said.

The campaign was announced at an amazing event in late October, which Bainter believes was a huge success. “I was extremely pleased with our campaign kick-off dinner the Foundation hosted on October 29. Many different individuals and areas of the university came together to make that night a wonderful and memorable night for the over 400 in attendance. The Jazz Studio Orchestra set the setting with their music before and during dinner and the Marching Leathernecks got everyone excited when they entered Western Hall playing our fight song and ending with their ever-popular rendition of Georgia on my Mind! Our campaign video featuring students talking about their scholarships and thanking donors was well received and the speech given by WIU alumnus Major Erik Archer was a highlight of the night. Both the campaign video and the speech can be accessed on the front page of the WIU website and I encourage anyone who has not seen either video yet to do so,” Bainter said.

Many WIU Alumni and friends have shared their estate plans with WIU during this campaign. “Their generous bequests will add tremendous support for scholarships, professorships, programs, and facilities enhancements,” Bainter said. $60 million is a huge number, and it is amazing to think how close we already are to reaching the goal. I hope that in this season of giving, alumni and friends will contribute to WIU, a wonderful place that is like a second home to so many. To make a donation towards the campaign, visit

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Finals Week is Here; End of the Semester Near

Just two short weeks ago fall break gave students at Western Illinois University a breather. Now, it is time to get serious…it is finals week. For me, this is a bittersweet time. I could not be more excited to fully get in the holiday spirit, spend some quality time with family and friends, and be done with a semester load of school work. However, it also means I will have best friends graduating and when I come back in mid January, it will be my last semester here at WIU. For now though, focusing on my last large papers and assignments, studying for finals and preparing for the month-long break is my priority.

At most universities, the week before finals is called “dead week.” The idea is that no new assignments or material will be given to students so we can focus on preparing for what lies ahead. Here at WIU, “dead week” felt very much alive. With two huge papers due last Friday on top of my preparation for finals, time management was a necessity. And with the semester ending, the lack of motivation starts to show. Knowing I am so close to being done makes me just want to finish things more than putting my all into them, which is not a smart approach.

Out of my four classes I have been enrolled in this semester, only two of them have actual final exams on their designated days. My other two classes have final projects due on the scheduled final day. The two classes with the exams, of course, are the two I am most worried about, but hope to do the best I can. All of my finals are due or are on Tuesday and Wednesday, which comes with its pros and cons. Since I will be done on Wednesday, I will get to go home sooner, but will be quite busy and stressed until then.

I did get to take a little break today to enjoy lunch with some of the Alumni Staff. My time here is winding down and I cannot believe I will be writing my final blog soon. As for the final tests and projects, they are nothing new for me. I know what to expect, along with what works and what does not work for me in regards to studying. Staying focused and finishing strong is hard, but not impossible. Hopefully the winter weather stays away until everyone is done with their finals and already home. I wish everyone happy studying and best of luck on their finals!

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WIU Men’s Basketball Season is in Full Force

Now that the Leatherneck football team has concluded its amazing season, the Western Illinois basketball teams can take center stage. Hopes are especially high for the men’s squad under third-year head coach Jim Molinari. The season started on November 12 with a home victory against St. Francis, and after defeating Culver Stockton last night, the Leathernecks currently have a winning record. All Leatherneck fans are hoping that the winning will continue.

This year’s team has many goals for the season. I recently spoke with Patrick Osterman, Director of Athletics Media Services at WIU, who talked about those goals and the challenges that lie ahead. “As with any season you want to stay as healthy as possible. We’ve had key players miss games due to injuries so far and now it’s a matter of getting them healthy and back on the court,” Osterman said. One of the biggest opportunities the team was able to take part in was the four-game Cancun Challenge. “We have a nice balance of scheduling during the non-conference season. The team received a very lucrative deal to travel to Cancun, Mexico, as part of the four-game Cancun Challenge. That competition level – along with road games against teams such as Creighton, Eastern Illinois and Savannah State – will help the Leathernecks prepare for what is shaping up to be another interesting year in the Summit League,” Osterman said.

With the right leaders, almost anything can be accomplished. There are three seniors on this year’s team: Brandon Smith, Matt Lander and Arsenio Mims. Osterman told me that they will be taking on bigger roles this season. The team also returns last year’s Summit League Defensive Player of the Year Ceola Clark. While Clark is currently nursing an injury, Leatherneck fans hope to see him return in time for conference action.

While the men’s basketball program at Western Illinois has been down for a few years, it appears things are looking up. “Western Illinois, like every Summit League team, wants to secure a berth in the Summit League Tournament and play its best basketball at that time. The Summit League Tournament champion receives the automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. Coach Jim Molinari made a four-win improvement from year one to year two, and this season is working hard to continue the building process. He and his staff already signed two high school standouts to play for the Leathernecks next season, with the goal of being an annual contender in the Summit League,” Osterman said. It seems like the men’s basketball team is headed in the right direction, and with the next game this Saturday at in-state rival Eastern Illinois, fans should continue to show their support and make this a memorable season at WIU.

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WIU Alumni Set Standards High

I know that Western Illinois University does everything in its power to prepare its students for a successful future. I have seen this first hand, through the terrific administration, faculty and staff that have positively impacted my undergraduate experience. It will be an honor to graduate from this great university and I will do my part to help it grow and prosper after I leave. I may even get recognized for my accomplishments someday, like the four individuals who were recently named Alumni Achievement Award recipients. Three outstanding people will receive the WIU Alumni Achievement Award at the December 18 Commencement Exercises, while another will receive the International Alumni Achievement Award.

This year’s Alumni Achievement Award recipients are John W. Gay II, Jerilyn K. Scardina and Harlan L. Watson. The International Alumni Achievement recipient is Datuk Kamaruddin (“Dean”) Mohd Ismail. These awards are given in recognition of outstanding contributions to any of the following: exceptional accomplishment in one’s chosen field of endeavor; exceptional service in community affairs at the local, state or national levels; and exceptional service in support of the advancement and continued excellence of WIU.

Gay, a master Certified Estate Planner, a Registered Financial Consultant and Planner and a Certified Investment Specialist, graduated in 1969. Some of his accomplishments include assisting with more than 4,200 medical professionals with their business and personal financial needs, being a life member of the National Defense Transportation Association and continuously supporting WIU financially with gifts to the College of Fine Arts and Communication (COFAC) and towards scholarships. Scardina graduated from WIU in 1975 with a degree in physical education. She served as a physical education teacher and head girls tennis coach at Hinsdale Central High School from 1977 to June 2010. She won 11 state championships, including the final four consecutively. Watson, a 1967 physics graduate from WIU, was a senior climate negotiator and special representative as U.S. special envoy to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He accorded personal rank of ambassador by President George W. Bush during his tenure of service as special envoy. His duties at that time were to travel around the world and meet with world leaders and discuss global warming. It is amazing to think that someone who walked the same halls as I did at WIU was responsible for such great things.

Ismail, the ex-deputy commissioner of police, received his bachelor’s degree in business from WIU in 1979 and his master’s in law enforcement from Western in 1981. Some of the positions he has served are senior general manager, security and safety, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhand (MAHB) and general manager for security and safety of Malaysia Airports Technologies.

All of these WIU Alumni continue to prove to those of us still here that you can be as successful as you want to be. As a current student, it is exciting to know that others have taken advantage of WIU’s resources and gone on to do outstanding things. Some have traveled the world, others have taught and coached, and all were and will always be LEATHERNECKS.

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Fans Help Make the Call at WIU

It has been a wild ride over the last few weeks for fans of WIU Athletics. From the football team’s road playoff victory at Coastal Carolina, to the men’s basketball team’s near upset of nationally-ranked Missouri, the Leathernecks are keeping us entertained. And now, fans can actively participate as the games are being played. WIU’s Broadcasting Department students have come up with a way for fans at home to be a part of certain Leatherneck games. Simply log in to a designated website during home games while following the game on television or radio, and provide your thoughts alongside the students who are broadcasting live from the game.

This play-by-play action was put into play by Sharon Evans, Broadcasting Department Chair for WIU. I recently had the chance to speak with Evans, who thinks this is a great way for WIU Alumni and fans to stay involved. “I would think alumni would be interested in all aspects of their alma mater and would want to support WIU. Athletics is one way alums from all walks of life can do this,” Evans said. I was told that the new play-by-play blogging has been very successful. The site is also a way to help students in the WIU Broadcasting Department understand changing technologies in the sports broadcasting field.

The new site took Evans just a couple of weeks to complete. She says the blogging has had a positive impact on the students and the Broadcasting Department. “I think it is very beneficial. First, blogging is a way to integrate freshmen and transfer students into our program immediately. Second, blogging gives students the opportunity to use the latest technology in delivering sports,” Evans said.

To participate and be a part of the play-by-play action, visit and click on Live Blogging. The blogging site is active during the home games for football, volleyball and basketball. Everything you would want to know about past games and upcoming live blogging opportunities is posted on the site. With winter break here next week, this is a great way to show your school spirit and follow WIU Athletics.

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Another Leader to Retire in 2011

This year many very important and very dedicated employees of Western Illinois University have announced their retirement. Among them, President Al Goldfarb, retiring in June 2011 after nine years of dedicated service and Vice President of Administrative Services Jackie Thompson, who will step down in July 2011 after an amazing 41 years of service. Add to the list Vice President of Student Services W. Garry Johnson, who has been an incredible contributor and a huge supporter of WIU and the Macomb Community. He will also retire in June 2011.

Johnson has been Vice President of Student Services at WIU since 1998 and has a total of 31 years of service. He also serves as an Associate Professor of Counselor Education and College Student Personnel on top of his Vice Presidential duties. Before being named Vice President, Johnson held several other positions at WIU. He served as the University’s Interim Vice President for Student Services, as Associate Vice President for Student Services, and as Assistant Vice President for Student Services-Student life. He was also WIU’s Director of Residence Life.

Johnson has accomplished so many amazing things in his 31 years, and I recently had a chance to ask him which ones he is most proud of. “During my time at Western, the staff in the Division has worked hard to make the University better for current and future students. The Spencer Recreation Center, GoWest, Grote Hall, the student side of Hanson Field, Thompson Dining Center, the Multicultural Center the second floor of Beu Health Center, the expansion of the Harry Mussatto Golf Course, the Student Assistance and Parent Service Center, the Student Organization Center, just to name a few,” Johnson said. “Being the host site for the World Salvation Army Conference, Methodist Youth Conference, and ACUHO-I ’89, spending time with some marvelous student leaders and staff members who have worked hard to make Western a wonderful place for students, and seeing students walk across the stage at graduation and feeling proud that you may have had some impact on their getting there,” Johnson said.

There is no doubt that the next Vice President of Student Services has big shoes to fill. Johnson told me his successor will have the opportunity to work with some of the best professionals in the country. “We are blessed at WIU to have folks who work every day to help our students be successful,” Johnson said. We should all be thankful that Garry Johnson has been at WIU for 31 years helping students be successful. We wish him best of luck in retirement and hope that June 2011 takes its time getting here.

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WIU Searches for its Next President

When people hear the word President, they think of someone in charge; someone with great power. And as Spider-Man taught us, with great power comes great responsibility. President Al Goldfarb has dealt with many issues in his time at Western Illinois University, but has also left his mark with many fabulous contributions. Since becoming President, Goldfarb has overseen the expansion of the Student Recreation Center, the renovation of Memorial Hall and the construction of a new Multicultural Center. In June 2011, President Goldfarb will be retiring after a tremendous nine year career. Although WIU and the Macomb community are sad to see him leave, we know he will always be a Leatherneck. In the meantime, the search for WIU’s next President is well underway.

The WIU Presidential search began in August 2009. I recently spoke with Dennis DeVolder, a WIU Professor and Graduate Advisor for the Department of Computer Science, and asked him what exactly the search for the next President entails. He explained how there was an initial meeting of a small group of people who were charged with making a recommendation about hiring a search firm to the Board of Trustees. “The final report, a consolidation of the evaluation data on the five finalists, will be transmitted to the Board of Trustees on December 15, 2010. We are fortunate to have had 16 months to complete the work. This is something of a luxury. Still, it has taken considerable effort from a large and very dedicated search committee to get to where we are today,” said DeVolder.

Today, we are down to five finalists. DeVolder said that last year WIU enlisted the help of the consulting firm Korn/Ferry International to help with the important search process. “They made initial contact with over 300 potential candidates. In addition, members of the university community nominated a number of individuals for the position. In a series of three screenings, Korn/Ferry and the search committee narrowed the pool of candidates to the five finalists, whose interviews have begun and will continue over the next few weeks. From now through December 15, students, administrators, faculty, staff, alumni and members of the Macomb and Quad Cities communities have the opportunity to meet the candidates, ask questions of them, and provide input to the Board of Trustees. The hiring decision and the naming of our new president will be done by the Board,” said DeVolder.

I think it is crucial for those of us here at WIU to meet and ask questions of these candidates. After all, one of these five people will be the next President of WIU and it is important the best candidate is chosen. “We have high standards and expectations for the next president of WIU. We’re looking for someone with a strong academic background who has an outstanding record of leadership. We’re looking for someone who understands how to raise money and how to manage it exceptionally well. We need someone who understands and works well with unions, faculty, and the state legislature. Of course, our next president must put students first, and must be able to recognize and meet the needs of the University and the community as a whole,” said DeVolder. To learn more about the five candidates and their planned visits to WIU, visit

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The Holidays Go Medieval

Thanksgiving and fall break are behind us, and everyone seems to be full of holiday spirit. Decorations are up all over town, snow is on the way, shopping sprees have begun and several holiday events coming soon. At Western Illinois University, the 36th annual Madrigal Dinner is taking place December 3-4 in the University Union Heritage room.

The traditional event will be presented by WIU’s School of Music and the University Union, in collaboration with Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and Mu Phi Epsilon music fraternities. The Madrigal Dinner features performances by music students as singers, instrumentalists and actors performing a mixture of secular and holiday music in a medieval hall atmosphere. I recently spoke with Lynn Thompson, Artist Director for WIU, and asked her about the upcoming Madrigal Dinner. “The WIU Madrigal Dinner has a long history of being one of the most popular holiday events in Macomb. Many groups and families make the Madrigal Dinner one of their regular holiday activities. We usually come very close to selling out both performances, so I encourage everyone to buy their tickets early, especially to guarantee premium seating,” said Thompson.

The WIU Madrigal Dinner was originated by former choral director Bob Hills in the early 1970s. Thompson explained how it is, and always has been, a fundraiser for WIU’s two School of Music professional fraternities, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and Mu Phi Epsilon. Thompson has been director of the Madrigal Singers since 1996, and says the students work very hard to put on this amazing event. “The students in Madrigal Singers are enrolled in a course where they rehearse the music, so those students have been rehearsing all semester, three hours per week. The fraternity students and the brass ensemble rehearse not as often, but they have been practicing in earnest since the middle of October,” Thompson said.

The Madrigal Dinner is something unique and spectacular anyone can partake in. Tickets are already on sale, and you do not want to pass up this entertaining evening. Tickets, $26 for adults and $10 for youth 12 and under, are available at the Hainline box office from noon-5 p.m. weekdays. Call (309) 298-2900. Tickets can also be purchased online at “The Madrigal Dinner is a chance to escape from the busyness of the end of the semester and the pre-holiday hysteria. You can come enjoy a wonderful meal, hear beautiful music and share an evening with your family and friends,” Thompson said.

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WIU Ready for a Fall Break

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was still a wide-eyed freshman preparing to return home for my first fall break. I wondered what it was going to be like seeing all of my friends for the first time since beginning a new chapter in our lives, and telling my family about all of the new experiences I was having. And now here I am, a few years and many classes later, ready to head home again for my last fall break. I am still just as excited, I have even more stories to tell and I cannot help but think I have grown up just a bit.

Fall break comes at the perfect time for those of us at Western Illinois University. With classes, bomb threats and the cold weather wearing us down, we could all use some quality time with our friends and family. Fall break presents the perfect opportunity to spend time with loved ones, work, watch football, catch up on rest or even do homework. I am hoping I do not spend much time on the latter. When I return home to Oak Park, I already have a few things planned. With birthday parties, family members coming to town, “black Wednesday”, two Thanksgivings, the biggest shopping day of the year, “black Friday”, and all of my friends returning home, it promises to be a very enjoyable break.

The upcoming break also gives us a chance to reflect and get in the holiday spirit by giving back. I got a head start on that last week, volunteering for “Stuff the Bus” here in Macomb. “Stuff the Bus” is a national event that many colleges and universities participate in. It is an annual Helping Hands Across America Food Drive, and WIU, with plenty of help from Sodexo, has been a part it for five years now. With over 400 volunteers donating, collecting, and sorting food for those in need this holiday season, it was well worth it and a great way to kick off the fall season.

While I plan on enjoying my Fall break, I know that things here at WIU will be very intense when I return. Finals will be just around the corner, and many of my courses will be getting down to the nitty gritty. I do plan on working on some homework next week, and I am hoping it will reduce my stress level when I return. Everyone should take full advantage of their break and be prepared when school resumes. Whatever your plans, travel safe and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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